Valkryie Will Debut in 2008

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: MGM, Action, Drama, Period, Upcoming Releases,

Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. Believe it or not, Valkyrie has just now been given its fourth - and supposedly final - release date.
The movie, which blamed production issues and marketing reasons for the constant delays, was last scheduled to open on Feb. 13, 2009. (The other two dates previously mentioned were June 27, 2008 and October 3, 2008.) Now, thanks to a favorable screening, the WWII drama is being given a space on the holiday calendar.
So when will Valkryie open now? December 26, 2008. (Make sure to mark that down in pencil.)
Casting Corner: Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Columbia Pictures, Universal, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Thrillers, Casting, Celeb News, Upcoming Releases,

Here’s a quick look at some of the casting announcements made recently:
Think seeing Tom Cruise bald and hairy is a shocker? Now imagine him as a woman.
According to Variety, a part originally linked to Cruise could be getting a gender overhaul. Although it looked like Tom would be starring in Edwin A. Salt, the actor has since moved on. Now the role - about a CIA agent forced to run after being labeled a Russian spy - and the movie’s title may be adjusted to accommodate Angelina Jolie.
No start date has been announced for the Phillip Noyce thriller.
Click to continue reading Casting Corner: Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep
Details on Tom Cruise’s Tropic Thunder Role

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Paramount, Action, Comedy, Celeb News, Rumors, Upcoming Releases,
While Robert Downey Jr. will undoubtedly be the most talked about thing in Tropic Thunder, word has it Tom Cruise will also be getting a lot of the attention.
In the upcoming comedy (you can view the trailer here), Cruise will be setting aside any vanity to play his least glamorous part to date. For his role as Les Grossman, an angry studio exec, the Mission Impossible actor will be donning a fat suit. Co-star Ben Stiller says several incorporated ideas - such as big hairy hands and dancing - actually came from Tom. “I actually didn’t have to sell him on anything,” said Stiller.
Could this be the character that finally overshadows visions of couch jumping? Probably not. But I’m sure it’ll help.
(A small tip: If you plan on watching the movie, make sure to stay through the credits.)
Tropic Thunder hits theaters next Wednesday, Aug. 13.
Valkyrie Gets a New Release Date

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Action, Drama, Period, Political, Filmmaking, Trailers, Upcoming Releases,
After weeks and weeks of delayed production, the upcoming Tom Cruise film Valkyrie has a new release date. Now, the flick is scheduled to hit theaters February 13, 2009. Considering the subject matter, I’m sure it’s the perfect film for any romantic date…if you’re both into WWII.
Called “The Big One,” WWII is perhaps one of the most popular filmmaking subjects in all the world. This era is constantly re-visited in movies and many major Hollywood directors and actors have taken it on. The latest to do so is Tom Cruise, who has been somewhat absent from the movie scene lately.
So far, much of the buzz on the flick is negative. Many claim the film is terrible, which has prompted Cruise co-star Bill Nighy to step forward in the interests of damage control. Nighy, who will play General Friedrich Olbricht, says the movie has suffered from several production issues - but that’s the only thing wrong with the film. “We just shot some extra scenes,” Nighy told the press recently. “People are very excited about it.”
Click to continue reading Valkyrie Gets a New Release Date
AOL News
Why Tom Cruise Should Avoid Mission Impossible 4

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Paramount, Action, Sequels, Rumors,

Although I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of Tom Cruise, I have to admit I found myself watching Oprah‘s recent two-day love fest about the man. (The curiosity was killing me.) On Day One, I found myself gagging when I heard him gloss over all the remarks he made about Brooke Shields. (His PR spin almost had me searching for my own set of anti-depressants.)
Day Two didn’t start out much better. Listening to his friends fawn all over “T.C.” almost made me nauseous. But then something helped change my mood a bit. I actually found myself remembering some of the good parts he had played.
Click to continue reading Why Tom Cruise Should Avoid Mission Impossible 4
Hollywood Reporter
Will Smith’s Nepotism Streak Continues

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Columbia Pictures, Drama, Casting, Upcoming Releases,
First, he introduced son Jaden to theatergoers in The Pursuit of Happyness. Then he let daughter Willow take on a much smaller role in last year’s I Am Legend. Now another kid will be participating in a Will Smith movie: Connor Cruise.
Yes, I know. Connor is not exactly related to Will. (He’s actually Tom Cruise‘s adopted son.) But that doesn’t make the whole situation smell any less nepotistic to me.
In Seven Pounds, Will Smith stars as a man who affects the lives of seven strangers. Connor, in a minor part, will play a younger version of the main character.
Click to continue reading Will Smith’s Nepotism Streak Continues
Tom Cruise’s Strangely Missing Accent

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: MGM, Action, Drama, Period, Political, Celebrity Gossip, Trailers, Upcoming Releases,

After viewing a teaser trailer for Valkyrie, I now see why Tom Cruise’s film may be in need of a few delays.
In this WWII movie, the actor plays Col. Claus von Stauffenberg - a German officer who plots to take down Adolf Hitler. Granted, I haven’t seen the film yet, but I highly doubt the character ever took voice lessons by watching videos of Mission Impossible.
You can listen to his laughable performance after the jump.
Click to continue reading Tom Cruise’s Strangely Missing Accent
Another Delay for Tom Cruise and Valkyrie

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: MGM, Action, Drama, Period, Political, Upcoming Releases,
Right now, Tom Cruise is somewhere hoping the third time really is a charm.
After initially receiving a June 27 release date, the actor’s next film is now scheduled to open next year. That’s after Valkyrie had already been pushed back to the fall for production reasons.
Although an October premiere might have been given the film Oscar consideration, the studio claims the new Feb. 13th slot will be in the best interest of the WWII drama. That decision will allow Cruise to take advantage of the President’s Day weekend.
Two films once slated for that same 2009 date have since made other plans (The Pink Panther 2, The Wolfman). While these departures may have allowed Valkyrie to slip right in, that Friday will still have stiff competition. Confessions of a Shopaholic (starring Isla Fisher) and the latest version of Friday the 13th will also be fighting for audience dollars.
Directed by Bryan Singer, Valkyrie also stars Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh and Tom Wilkinson.
The Unauthorized Tom Cruise Biography

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Celeb News, Celebrity Gossip, Rumors,
When you put yourself in the public eye in a very bold way, you have to expect at least a little backlash. Could that be what’s happening to couch-jumping and overzealous Tom Cruise right this moment? Andrew Morton’s Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography (which you can buy right now for less than twenty bucks online) talks at great length about Cruise and his various women, rumors concerning this love life and of course, Scientology. The media has already reported that Morton may be getting sued by Cruise and the Scientology Church for the mind-boggling sum of $100 million. Doesn’t matter. The book hit the shelves January 15, no matter what Cruise or anyone else has to say about it.
Before the book’s release, an excerpt of the prose was released which detailed the inner circle of Scientology followers, showing just how important Cruise’s role is therein. Followers of the religion, which is based on a series of books by author L. Ron Hubbard, have taken a lot of flak from the press (and the spoofers). But in this country, we’re all allowed to believe whatever we please - even our biggest stars. Read all about it in the unauthorized (and possibly very costly) Tom Cruise biography.
WGA Makes Deal with United Artists

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: MGM, Filmmaking, Scripts,
Tom Cruise may not have a beard, but he does now share something in common with David Letterman: working writers.
Days after the talk show host welcomed back his writing staff, United Artists reached its own agreement with the WGA. The studio is partially owned the actor and his production partner, Paula Wagner; Lions for Lambs was the first movie released since Cruise became involved with the company.
The deal will not only allow projects to be taken off hold, it will help films currently in production (like Tom Cruise’s Valkyrie) to finish on time.
It is expected that the interim agreement - which does not extend to UA’s parent company (MGM) - could spark a series of deals made by other independent studios.
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